June 14, 2021 / by Trustworthy AI team

Trustworthy AI acquired by Waymo

We are excited to announce that Trustworthy AI has been acquired by Waymo. For the past two years, our mission at Trustworthy AI has been to accelerate the development, testing, and deployment of safety-critical autonomous systems. Autonomous vehicle (AV) technology has improved substantially over the past decade. In turn, understanding risk has become increasingly critical, and efficiently navigating the long tail of events and challenges has become more difficult. At Trustworthy AI, we use adaptive adversarial search techniques to efficiently find realistic high-risk failures and guarantee testing coverage.

Through our conversations with Waymo, we learned that we have a shared vision: solving the long tail is key on the path towards large-scale AV deployment. We believe joining the clear leader of the fully autonomous technology industry will maximize our technology’s impact on the world. We’d like to thank our customers, partners, investors, and advisors for championing our work. Looking forward to the road ahead!

— Trustworthy AI team